Almased Morning of Day 5

Oh my gosh, I was so tired yesterday.  But I stuck to the plan completely.

I had three shakes yesterday, switching up the flavor ever so slightly.  I have found that I actually enjoy the flavor of Almased.  I didn't put the oil in my afternoon shake, but the broth cubes have an oil in them so I wasn't too worried about it.  I had two snacks of veggie broth.

To combat my afternoon craving, and to make sure that I didn't end up in a restaurant parking lot, I had my afternoon broth about an hour before I left work.  Seemed to do the trick for the most part.  I went from my normal cheerful self to kind of mean and grumpy.  I normally only get that way if my blood sugar is low, so I figured I better get my evening shake in as soon as possible.  That seemed to do the trick.

After that I was reading in my chair and just feeling exhausted.  It was only 6:30 p.m., but I felt like I just had to lie down.  I ended up waking once, which is good because I got to set my alarm clock, but I just went right back to sleep.

I woke this morning feeling totally fine.  I didn't go straight for my shake as I think that it would be better for the time allowance if I waited until a little bit closer to me leaving the house.  I am enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning with stevia.  Checked my weight first thing and I was at 147.8 lb. (-4.2 lb.).  In so far, I have not noticed too much in my size decreasing.  That is what I am looking forward to the most.  I have a large box of small clothes that are calling my name.

I know that I will continue on at least today on this fasting portion.  My work place has a cafeteria that has a salad bar and that will be my plan of action for when I start eating lunch.  I also got some necessary ingredients at work for my shakes if I need to go that route in case I need to go out to dinner that evening.

Let's hope this afternoon goes well!


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