80% Raw diet current issues

It's been a rough start to the week.  Work is stressful as always, but I am starting to get the hang of it.  My judge that I work with is high maintenance, and high stress himself.  So part of MY stress is learning to work with him.  This is also a guy that talks S*&T about almost everyone there, and I hate that.  He got very smirky when I told him I was trying to eat a predominately raw diet, so I can only imagine what he says behind my back.

Current issues I will need to work on....... Hmmm let's see what I've noticed....

Coffee.  I've always enjoyed coffee.  I love the smell and the taste.  I like mine black with a bit of stevia in it. I have not had the wanting to get rid of it.  I see on youtube that pretty much all raw foodies are not down with coffee, and I understand why.  Coffee is dehydrating and stresses the adrenals.  But that knowledge does not alleviate my craving for the taste and warmth of my cup.  So I will do my best to decrease my intake dramatically, and make sure that it is not the first thing I drink in the morning.  Can you imagine the extra space on my counter without the coffee maker?  That would be nice.  What would also be nice is to get rid of the microwave, but that's my husband's (not doing this with me) best friend, so that's a no go.  On the up side I do have my juicer and my dehydrator out there, so there is something of a balance.

For dinner the other day I made a raw lasagna from Living Cuisine by Rene Oswald, level VI.  It was actually pretty tasty, but it did something to my stomach.  The next day I had loose stool and was retaining water.  I was wondering if it was the miso that I used, or maybe the sweet potato.

I'm about to be in PMS season, and that is when I suddenly find myself in the parking lot of various restaurants or eating food I am not going to be thrilled about later (or then for that matter).  I will need to make sure that I have all of my fruits prepared and easy to eat.   That should help some of it.  And if my cravings get bad, I may not be the best when it comes to food combining.  I know this gets easier!!  And I've heard that a lot of women stop having bad issues when it comes to their time o' da month when eating a raw food diet.

Also different for me is the reinvention of sushi.  I've always been a veggie sushi person anyways, so I need to figure out what to do.  I would say I would not go, but it's more of a social thing.  I thankfully also have a great chef/owner that will make and create things around your needs.  So maybe a cucumber on the outside roll with veggies in it.

I will be taking a trip to Mexico the last week of February.  I know I will be fine when I'm there, and I have already checked what the hotel restaurant for what I can maneuver.  We are staying at one of those all inclusive hotels (husbands plan), but there is hope.  Apparently they have a breakfast/lunch place that serves fresh made juices and piles of fruit, and I can have those delivered to the room as well. I also looked to see where the markets are.  The issue comes up on the flying part.  We stay overnight is Seattle both ways.  Not a problem there.  Then we have another extension of our flights that takes us to LAX.  We should have been able to restock on fruit(?) even though it was a late night lay over.  Then I am sure that if necessary I can pick something up in the airports.  But what about the way back?  Flying in from Mexico, obviously you do not bring fruits back.  Or can you just not take them off the airplane?  We will have a lot less opportunity to pick up anything outside of the airports.  These might be good fasting days, now that I'm thinking of it.

So far, so good I think.  I've feeling better minus that lasagna hiccup. My weight is slowly decreasing.  I feel good.

Oh, by the way!!! My new Tribest CS-1000 citrus juicer will be arriving soon! I am so excited.  I've been using a vintage tupperware manual juicer.  This will be much easier when your trying to juice 6 oranges.


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