80 10 10 Raw Diet Con't

So it's been a long weekend and the neighborhood streets are like ice.  There has been rain and it is making all the ice on the road an ice rink.  I actually got stuck trying to leave my girlfriends house.  Everytime I went forward I would keep sliding or slide to the left.  I almost hit their cars twice.  Finally, we gave up and looked for the kitty litter.  That worked.

I actually woke up at 4am.  Apparently the power had just gone out.  So I got out my LED lamp and some strategically placed candles.  Pretty cozy.  They went on a couple hours later.

So no juice this morning, but I had some water and took it easy this morning.  About the time the lights came on I had a watermelon.  I also had 1/2 a cantaloupe after that, cause I was still hungry.  I had a  couple dates as a snack, and made sure to eat a small fruit before I left the house to curb any cravings I might get.  Tonight I am making a lasagna for dinner.  I know I should probably just have a salad, but this sounded so good!  Very good on the 80 10 10.

I'm seriously thinking about finding a way to get to the Woodstock Raw Food Festival this year.  I was amazed when I saw the video of the 2012, and apparently they had double the amount of people.  Can you imagine hundreds of like minded people around you?  Supporting you?

It is very difficult to try and eat this healthy around my husband.  He's very overweight, diabetic, doesn't work out, drinks beer, loves carbs, loves to sit on the couch.   I've tried to inspire him, push him, guilt trip, enthuse, inspire, but nothing worked.  He was almost interested in my lasagna, but is now currently cooking a steak and making himself feel better about it by eating a salad drenched in dressing.  So I have decided to do this for myself.  Perhaps in time it will just sink in for him.

I'm about to go skating to pick up my dog from grooming.  I'm sure he's going to be thrilled to get out of there!


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