Dermatitis & Eczema Formula and Refresh Spray Review

Somewhat recently I made an order with Secrets of Eden.  I got the Dermatis Eczema Formula ($16.95) and the Refresh Spray ($10.99).  I wash my hands constantly and was in need of something pretty hardcore to make sure that I didn't end up cracked and bleeding again.  I saw this on YouTube and decided to give it a chance.  I like that its made with a bunch of natural ingredients and essential oils.  The refresh spray was just something for that added pick me up for my face as its pretty dry up here and moisture is a constant must.

The formula is pretty thick and somewhat solid.  It's like coconut oil when its cold.  I saw in the video that it has a medicine type smell which usually doesn't bother me.  I took this to work, where I wash my hands the most and thought I could apply this formula while I was doing other things.

This formula has a VERY strong scent.  I hadn't thought it would travel very far outside of my office, but shortly after applying it, I had a BUNCH of coworkers practically gagging on it.  It was described to me as smelling like lavender and wet dog.  It was very embarrassing.  So I washed it off my hands, apologized to everyone, and took it home.

I gave this formula another chance while I was on the computer at home.  My husband was in the other room watching the TV and apparently, he had no trouble smelling it either.  He crinkled his nose and asked what the horrendous smell was.  So that got set aside again.

With what I was able to use of this, it did an okay job.  I obviously cannot use it during the day when I'm around people, and not at night when I'm around my husband, so the use of it was limited.  For that limited time, it didn't do anything amazing, but perhaps with prolonged use.  Right now, I just use it to threaten people with.

 Product picture from Secrets of Eden website

The Refresh spray has a pleasant scent and works well. It is"With Lemon, Honey, MSM. and Ionically charged Silver." I usually use Avene Thermal spray.  I didn't see anything amazing with the Refresh, but its still nice to have the moisture.  I don't know if I would buy it again. I'm fairly happy with the Avene, but its nice to hava  back up or one I can stick in the car.


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